BE in the Moment

Wherever you are in your journey, BE in the Moment.  If a widow cannot learn to be happy again, then she will never fully appreciate any blessings that come her way.  We widows often give up because we feel that life has lost its value.  As always let grief have its times, but when you are ready let yourself be open to healing your broken heart.

We often go through our day focusing on our past experiences or a future without our loved one.  We therefore never even notice that today is slipping through our fingers and can never be re-travelled.  To BE in the moment is to develop the ability to focus on the current moment, and drawing from it all the blessings that are there.  Take time to watch a sunset, listen to silence, and just lean into the art of living well.

We do not attract a better life merely by wishing it so, we attract it by adopting the ability to experience happiness because it is within our power to do so.  We have to be willing to learn and to change.  We learn by what we watch, listen to and allow into our lives.  Don’t let others dump garbage into your life.  Learn from positive people, music, sermons, lectures and never stop learning.

Life is worthwhile as long as you try to make a difference, to learn something new, to change and BE in the moment.  Life is worthwhile if you try and don’t give up.

Life is worthwhile if you stick it out.  If you sign up for something, see it through.  Maybe it’s hard to start, but finish that section.  Pass on the next section if you want, but see this one through.

Life is worthwhile if you care enough to make a difference.  Care about what you do, who you do it with and how you do it.  If you are sincerely committed to making your life worthwhile, you’ll not only create these qualities, but you’ll continually work to strengthen them.  Work on what you can control.  Putting it all down on paper so that you can see yourself in the place you want to be, going forward in the direction you want to go.

We can start right now by offering ourselves for the good of another.  Whether we offer our time, a shoulder to cry on, a kind word or our undivided attention, to just BE in the moment and really live it – oh, boy what an experience that is.  Your life is an open book waiting for you to write in it.  No limits, No fears – Just BE in the moment.

8 Responses

  1. Shirley B.
    | Reply

    For me personally this blog felt like it was written just for me. It’s been 14 months since I lost my husband of 50 years. I’m certainly not over the grieving and the feeling of loss but I also want to learn to enjoy the present and be thankful for what I have and to look forward to the future. Being PRESENT won’t come naturally. It will take work but I do believe it’s the way to happiness again. Thank you!

  2. Sally
    | Reply

    Love this! My husband of 27 years passed 3/23/2021. I am grieving the loss of his presence with me, but moving forward with the joy he expected of me♥️♥️♥️♥️

  3. Regina Christopher
    | Reply

    Today’s Be In The Moment really hit home.

  4. Barbara
    | Reply

    It sounds good 👍reality is the trauma takes time to process especially at first.

    • Shirley B.
      | Reply

      Hi Barbara,
      I responded to the blog when I first read it. I think being In The Moment comes at different times for every person. I’m almost at 15 months out and if you asked me 6 months ago I could not have imagined ever being in the moment again. It is certainly not to suggest that I’m always in the moment. I have to ask myself will it ever be easy? I will say that I don’t want to be so sad and lost that I’m never in the moment again. I’m seeing the changes. I’m more grateful. I do find joy. Do I have to work at it? Yes, I do. It’s OK. It’s part of my journey. Do I have difficult days? Of course I do. However, I tell myself that’s OK to feel sad and I let it flow and then I tell myself I am getting stronger and I tell myself it’s going to get easier and I move on. When you mentioned it takes time to process, you are so right. We all process in our own time. It’s a journey to be able to Be In The Moment. I appreciated your comment. Thank you!

  5. Sally Williams sisterhood of widows
    | Reply

    I want to join this group as I am recently widowed

    • Mary Francis
      | Reply

      I am so very sorry for your loss.
      Please get all the free resources available from this website/blog/YouTube

      If you want to join the private Facebook group for widows only go into the search bar in Facebook and type in “The Sisterhood Of Widows – Private Group for Widows”. Once it comes up answer all the security questions and it will be submitted for approval.

      Take care and be safe.
      Mary Francis

  6. Sally Williams sisterhood of widows
    | Reply

    I am not coping and wish I was with him.

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