Lost Friendships

Friends often don’t understand our grief, so don’t take it for granted that they will contact you.  Lost friendships are often the case when you become a widow.


Friendships are a two way street and you may have to be the one to reach out first because they may not know what to say or do. On the other hand if you have reached out several times and they don’t respond than sadly your friendship may have run its course. This is where you are at a cross roads of what you want moving forward, and who you want to do it with.

Mary Francis, The Sisterhood of Widows

  1. Dolly Lilly
    | Reply

    This is something I am meeting now after the past year, so I am working at making new friends. And, I add…it is work. However, it is with mostly other widows. You’re right. Others don’t understand.

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