Persistence and Widows

You’ve lost your loved one and life has lost it’s joy but you need to be determined to move forward.  Persistence is what it takes to get you through your grief so you can heal.

It was several years in the making: tons of hard work, anxiety about what I was doing, late nights and lots of soul searching.  But guided by an overarching vision I finally reached my goal.

What am I talking about?  It was getting my book made into an Audio Book so that those that can’t read or have lost their vision can understand that they are not alone in their grief.

Link to more information on my Audio book and Sample Chapter One

Three different actress’s read the chapters in the book and it’s on one Audio DVD to be listened to at your own pace.  It took time and persistence but it was important that widows would have this option and persistence paid off!

Some people think persistence is the same thing as determination.  Determination is the passion to achieve something.  Persistence is what gets you there.

We all know the feeling of beginning something new and feeling really enthused about it, but inevitable there will be roadblocks and setbacks.  This is where our inner critic says, ” I told you it was too hard”.  But I want to say that there is no such thing as being too hard.  Not if you are persistent and take temporary setbacks in your stride.

Instead say to you inner critic, “I’m going to persist with this because I know I’m going to get there.”  Determination and persistence is what will keep you going when you make major changes as a widow – changes in you lifestyle will happen so you need to control them.  You need a vision of what you want first and then you will find a way to achieve it.

To Our Shared Journey,                                                                                      

Mary Francis is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®

Certified Law of Attraction Facilitator,

Early Intervention Field Traumatology (EIFT)

Author/Founder of “The Sisterhood of Widows”


audio books for widows, widows first year, widowed friendships, the sisterhood of widows, widow support, grieving, how to grieve, grief, life of a widow, #thesisterhoodofwidows, #widow, #grief, #griefsupport, #widowsupport, #howtogrieve, #widowshelpingwidows


  1. Denise Ramirez
    | Reply


    I really appreciate your insight. It has helped me a lot. It will be 4 years since my husband passed. I am turning 70 in June and will retire next May. This is a difficult thing. Since it’s just me making the financial decisions, I don’t want to do anything that would be a wrong choice. I’m sure you understand. We made investments, that should be enough, but I still have high rent of $2325/mo. Car will be paid off next May, that’s why I’m waiting.

    Anyway, just wanted to thank you for your consistent words of wisdom.
    Denise Ramirez

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