You are a wonderful person, and if you have lost your way, allow me to reintroduce you to yourself. You need to meet the “real” you because you have been lost in widowhood. Grief may have stolen your identity, but you can recreate yourself and “Be You” again.
Please examine every aspect of your heart to find what you fear. Don’t deny, cover it up or try to hide it. If you can’t “Be You” than its time to ask yourself:
- What do I want?
- Why am I feeling guilty?
- Why am I so angry?
- Why do I fear change?
- Why am I so insecure?
To Our Shared Journey,
Mary Francis is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®
Certified Law of Attraction Facilitator,
Early Intervention Field Traumatology (EIFT)
Author/Founder of “The Sisterhood of Widows”
widows first year, widowed friendships, the sisterhood of widows, widow support, grieving, how to grieve, grief, life of a widow, #thesisterhoodofwidows, #widow, #grief, #griefsupport, #widowsupport, #howtogrieve, #widowshelpingwidows
Catherine Anderson
I am feeling guilty about my motives for sometimes desiring a new relationship. Loneliness and a good friend are my priorities, not caring about another person which should be first! My husband passed away about two years ago after forty two years.