The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness will unleash a power in your life that is under rated mainly because it is under used.  Widows fail to capture the power of forgiveness because they have grown comfortable in their wounds, but the power is there.

You are not the only one, because everybody needs to forgive somebody.  We may prefer to keep our grievances close to our heart because they are familiar and comfortable.  It can also be easier to do nothing, but know this:  forgiveness will transform your relationships.   Not only to others but also to your inner self.

Grudge holding is not one of our most attractive traits.  The power of forgiveness liberates us from keeping score and remembering wrongs.

Create a forgiveness journal:

Step 1 – List the names of people you have hurt and need to ask for forgiveness.

Step 2 – List the people who have hurt you whom you need to forgive.

This is a forgiveness list so write out your feelings, and transfer your hurts and disappointments from your mind to the written page.  It doesn’t matter whether they accept your forgiveness or even know about it.  Your forgiveness is the key that unleashes the power of grace in your life.

Forgiveness forces you from the wounds and bondage of the past, both from harms you have suffered as well as from those you have caused.

Forgiving does not mean condoning the behavior that caused harm.  Instead, the power of forgiveness allows us to release anger, resentment and bitterness.

Don’t dwell on the small hurts that we all experience daily and frankly, that we all cause in others.  Let it go – everyone needs to forgive somebody.  And remember, forgiving is not forgetting.

To Our Shared Journey,                                                                                      

Mary Francis is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®,  Certified Law of Attraction Facilitator,  Early Intervention Field Traumatology (EIFT) and Author/Founder of “The Sisterhood of Widows”



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