Grief is Different for Everyone

It’s highly individualized and is influenced by numerous factors, including the severity and duration of the relationship and/or illness. However, there are some principles that encompass grief healing:

  • Healing can occur in many different ways.
  • It involves transcending anger and blame.
  • It requires support from others.
  • It is empowering and self-directed.
  • It involves becoming a part of society.
  • It is a process of healing and change.
  • Recognition for change is needed.
  • It begins with hope for your future.

Many widows suffering from grief don’t know where to seek help. They may have failed to recover on their own and believe happiness is impossible. Many widows are in denial about their grief or fail to admit they’re still grieving after several years. The following steps will help widows suffering from grief:

  • The first step of grief recovery is recognizing that change is necessary.
  • In most situations, a widow cannot heal until they’re willing to commit to change.
  • Recognizing that your grief exists also means recognizing that healing is possible.
  • Most people don’t understand what grief is.
  • Many people believe the length of time to grieve is a choice, but it isn’t.

A number of simple tips can help you grieve:

  • Decide to make the changes necessary to ensure you heal.
  • Ask for support from friends, family and peers.
  • Determine the best treatment option for you.
  • If necessary go visit your health professional.
  • Develop a plan for your future.
  • Stress is one of the most common blocks to healing.
  • Widows who have been grieving for years can relapse when stressed.
  • Change your environment or avoid high-risk situations.
  • Remove stressful relationships from your life.
  • Aim for short-term goals and make progress one day at a time.
  • Exercise regularly — even daily walks will help.
  • Eat a healthy diet to maintain physical and mental health.

Every aspect of life should be aimed at maintaining happiness and well-being. Widows that are grieving can still find pleasure, develop meaningful relationships and attempt to achieve realistic goals. Many widows attend support group meetings, volunteer or pursue a spiritual calling, but everyone is different. Every widow should take the time necessary to discover what she wants to live for.

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