Poem – The Oak Tree

This poem was given to me from one of the widows in our group.  It’s called “The Oak Tree” by Johnny Ray Ryder Jr.

The Oak Tree

A mighty wind blew night and day.

It stole the Oak Tree’s leaves away.

Then snapped its boughs

and pulled its bark

until the Oak was tired and stark.

But still the Oak Tree held its ground

while other trees fell all around.

The weary wind gave up and spoke,

How can you still be standing Oak?”

The Oak Tree said, I know that you

can break each branch of mine in two,

carry every leaf away,

shake my limbs and make me sway.

But I have roots stretched in the earth,

growing stronger since my birth.

You’ll never touch them, for you see

they are the deepest part of me.

Until today, I wasn’t sure

of just how much I could endure.

But now I’ve found with thanks to you,

I’m stronger than I ever knew.

16 Responses

  1. Donald A DeMaio
    | Reply

    This poem is on the wall at the VA Hospital in East Orange NJ.
    They have the poem written with an incorrect word.
    While other trees fell all around says, While other trees FEEL all around.
    It is framed and the VA was informed but didn’t seem too interested.
    Someone failed to catch this in the print and I thought it was noteworthy.
    Don DeMaio

    • Mary Francis
      | Reply

      Hi Don. Put your request in writing to the Hospital and they will probably take more interest in your concern. Take care. Mary Francis

    • Kathleen Sharp
      | Reply

      The VA Centers Worldwide are so uncaring, incompetent and basically death traps to human lives who fight, honor, sacrifice, live and die for the love of others of their own free will and love for OUR COUNTRY.
      Sadly, when they need a tiny portion returned.. for many, as was the case with my late loved one….they discovered combat was easier than the battle with the VA.
      I love this poem yet would expect not one I ever encountered to remotely read or take heart to its meaning or it’s spelling. Sad, words… which would offend a soul who cared.. but won’t.. because they don’t!!!

  2. Beth Metcalf
    | Reply

    Mary Francis, I sit in silent awe. I can’t believe my eyes, how this poem, your website, and the 3 comments have “accidentally” found their way into my life today. My story is complex and brutal, too many words for a little box and a world filled with soooooooul much pain. I don’t think that the word “FEEL” instead of fell was an earthly mistake, but rather a divine intervention, like this gift to me today. I also FEEL the words of Kathleen Sharp. In 2013, my husband was also taken to heaven while in the care of a va hospital. A very bad ending here, but a glorious beginning in the “other world.” Notice the dates/year of the poem and my husbands passing. I also noticed Kathleen’s posting date. 1-22-2020. An over the top, divine coincidence, and we know there is no such thing as ” COINCIDENCE.” More people need to speak out and walk the talk of injustice, and not live in fear. Going up against this nightmare of medical massacre seems impossible, but so did the ending of slavery, woman finally being able to vote and own property, (speaking of widows, in some countries still today that is not possible. If the husband dies, out she goes) etc. It takes one person to become aware, a very courageous person, like yourself to take the initiative and be the leader to shine the light for others. Grief, grieving, and the life after death for us after the passing of our dearest treasure is in a world all of its own. It is only understood by those who have experienced it, like anything else…but it is the greatest pain here on earthbound overcome. If our hearts survive, we can definitely thrive!!! I didn’t think that I would ever get to this point, but I have!!! No one wanted to be dead more than I after the passing of my husband, the most perfect being that GODever created!!! I just looked up at my misprint, (my husband is always telling me to look up!!!), no misprint , GODever, that’s right. There is no such thing as death, just a move from one estate to another state of being. Our goal is the same regardless of our challenges here on earth, LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! To teach a better way and to celebrate each and every new day, because it truly is a gift. Thank you Mary Francis and GOD BLESS YOU AND ALL!!!

  3. Dianne Carter
    | Reply

    Powerful poem..a
    reminder to me that I stand no matter
    what…life can be tough..rough..crude and unjust…but still I forge forward.to the plan that was meant for me..strong like an oak tree..roots grounded…empowered by the purpose God has promised…

  4. Maureen Snow
    | Reply

    Just came across this tonight when I needed strong words, some help, some understanding. My beloved husband is gone almost
    6 months now and our 41st anniversary would have been this Tuesday. At times the pain is unbearable. Thank you for giving me hope

    • Mary Francis
      | Reply

      Dear Maureen – I am sorry for the pain you are going through. Please take advantage of all the free resources, guides and the blog postings as they will help you in your journey.

      Take care and be safe. Mary Francis

  5. pattyann1820
    | Reply

    My David died six weeks ago and I am just now searching for help. Thank you for being there and for a wonderful and strong poem. I will be looking for more every day on this site.

  6. Luanne
    | Reply

    I love this poem! Gives one strength and hope. I lost my dear husband and lifelong love of 49 years November 2021. It was an accidental death and so in an instant my entire world changed. I have never been strong and confident on my own, we were strong together. Like the mighty oak I am learning to endure harsh winds and be grounded in what God has planned for me.

    Thank for posting and God bless all.

  7. Theresa
    | Reply

    This is such a beautiful poem I sent to my aunt who lost her 33 yr old daughter about 2 weeks ago, I have buried 2 children I buried my 4 and a half month old daughter almost 30 yrs ago and my 25 yr old nephew/son I raised going on 2 yrs he was murdered and no JUSTICE, my mother passed when I was 2 yrs old and life has not always been kind to me that poem has true meaning to me. Theresa

  8. F. L. Boyle
    | Reply

    Wow Donald, that’s interesting…you got a “sharpie”…sorry I like simple fixes…here’s a better one perhaps…just print it off and scotch tape it…it will give out great vets something to talk about….I was reading one of my churches prayer handouts and I found a great mistake…I did notify the printer and the church but the error remained (as I knew it probably would) as it was written something about the sorrow of Mary being in her EVIL, of course, it was supposed to be “the sorrow of Mary in her VEIL”…I love Mother Mary, but for some reason I can’t understand this misprint make me laugh….otherwise I might have felt a little “prideful” that I found it in the first place…..God bless us all….have a wonderful day….

  9. Jayne K Boone
    | Reply

    Beautiful poem!!! I lost my husband of 36 years last year and have been struggling to move forward. I know I will just like “The Oak”.

  10. Gay Roberts
    | Reply

    ThankYou for sharing this poem. I lost my husband of 52 years . He passed with vascular dementia almost 2 years ago.

  11. Said R.
    | Reply

    Very nice poem.
    The oak tree represents a Cultural feature,a spécification,a civilization and a symbol of strength ,endurance and resilience.
    It is with a multiple usage .
    Especially as a food and fuel..
    A thought to the poet.

  12. RS
    | Reply

    I found this poem and website by accident, but I am very glad I did. This is a beautifully written poem that has so much emotion within it that you can physically feel the pain from the words written. It really makes no difference if there was an error in the wording, it does not change the feeling of the poem. In fact the error in the wording made the poem even better! There is no sense in pointing out other’s mistakes when we each should be looking at the mistakes we make instead. My Grandfather recently passed away and he was a Veteran and his doctor he saw was at the local Veteran Clinic and in my opinion they are not thorough enough. My Grandfather had cellulitis that went untreated until my Grandmother was asked by my Grandfather to help him undress for a bath(he was in the beginning stages of dementia which also was never diagnosed until the last stages). His legs looked black and we were worried that he was going to lose them so I took him to the ER right then and he was diagnosed with severe cellulitis. His legs and ankles were so swollen he could barely fit his shoes on his feet but the doctor never looked at his legs or feet or even asked about them so it went unnoticed until it got really bad. It took over a year for his legs to get back to looking normal again and that was with my Grandmother constantly caring for them. They were married for almost 71 years, he passed away exactly one month before their 71st wedding anniversary. My Grandmother still is grieving and he passed away March 05 2022. There is an emptiness that no other person or thing could fill and time may ease the pain a little but it is always with you. Thank you for sharing this poem.

  13. Bratton Online
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    […] The Oak Tree Johnny Ray Ryder Jr. […]

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